Co-op Mission Guide: Temple of the Past


Sections on this Page

Mission Summary

The xel'naga temple on Shakuras is under assault. Build your defenses and hold out against the enemy's siege.


Primary Objective

Secondary Objective

Enemy Base Analysis

Change all base analysis pictures to race:

You are not required to push into enemy bases on Temple of the Past. However, it is highly recommend you do so for the following reasons:

There are three bases to clear, one for each of the ramps leading to the temple. These are shown below. Note: These are the starting configurations of the enemy bases. As time progresses in the mission, more static defense will be made. It is best to clear them as quickly as possible.

Middle Base:

basemidlong Picture

basemidlong Minimap

Top Base:

basetop Picture

basetop Minimap

Bottom Base:

basebottomlong Picture

basebottomlong Minimap

If you like, you can also clear the base from which the drops come from. However, there is no advantage to doing so, and you will require to fly units over, or warp/teleport them in at that location.

basedroplong Picture

basedroplong Minimap

Completing the Bonus Objective

Zenith Stone Zenith Stone Zenith Stone

The bonus objective requires you to destroy the three Zenith Stones on the map. Each Zenith Stone is located off each path leading to the temple. The locations are shown below:

Minimap of Zenith Stone locations

The Zenith Stones are present from the start of the game. They will be revealed to the player either when the player gets within 15 range of any of the stones or when 9 minutes have elapsed. There is no time limit to destroy the stones. The stones are guarded by a very small force. Additionally, they will cast Psionic Storms in random areas around them when their HP drops to below 50%.


Note: Information on Tech and Strength levels can be found on the Enemy Compositions page. If Strength and Tech levels differ between attack waves occurring at the same time, they will be separated with commas respectively.

There are two patterns on this mission. The patterns are shown below. Attack directions show you to direction the attack wave moves in.

Pattern A: This will come with an attack warning at 3:15

Time Tech Level Strength Level Direction Notes
3:00 1 1 -
4:00 2 2 -
6:00 2 2 1 Minor Hybrid
6:45 1 2 -
7:30 2 2 -
8:15 2 2 Thrasher + Attack Wave
9:00 3 3 ↘↖ -
10:00 4,2 3,3 ↘↖ 1 Minor Hybrid for Player 1
11:00 4,4 4,3 ↘↖ -
12:00 3 4 -
12:30 4 4 -
13:15 5 4 -
13:45 - - Thrasher Only
15:00 3 3 Air Drop
1 Hybrid Nemesis
15:20 4 4 Air Drop
1 Hybrid Nemesis
16:10 2 2 Drop Pod/Warp-in
16:40 3 3 Drop Pod/Warp-in
16:55 - - Thrasher Only
18:00 5 5 3 Minor Hybrid
1 Hybrid Nemesis
1 Major Hybrid
18:15 3 5 3 Minor Hybrid
1 Hybrid Nemesis
1 Major Hybrid
19:15 4 4 Air Drop
20:00 5 5 -
20:15 3 3 ? Double Drop Pod/Warp-in
20:45 2,4 3,3 ? Double Drop Pod/Warp-in
21:15 3 3 ? Double Drop Pod/Warp-in
21:30 2 3 ? Double Drop Pod/Warp-in
22:00 6 5 -
22:30 4,6 5,5 ↘↖ Double Thrasher + Attack Wave
23:30 5 5 4 Minor Hybrid
2 Hybrid Nemesis
1 Major Hybrid
23:40 3 5 3 Minor Hybrid
2 Hybrid Nemesis
1 Major Hybrid
24:40 5,6,7 5,5,7 ↘↖↗ -

Pattern B: This will come with an attack warning at 3:10

Time Tech Level Strength Level Direction Notes
3:00 1 1 -
4:10 2 2 -
6:00 2 2 1 Minor Hybrid
6:45 1 1 -
7:30 2 3 -
8:15 - - Thrasher Only
9:00 3 3 ↘ or ↖ Two 3/3 Attack Waves together
10:00 4,2 3,3 ↘↖ 1 Minor Hybrid for Player 1
2 Minor Hybrid for Player 2
11:00 4 4 ↖ or ↘ Two 4/4 Attack Waves together
12:00 3 4 -
12:30 4 4 3 Minor Hybrid
13:35 5 4 -
13:45 - - Thrasher Only
15:00 2 2 Drop Pod/Warp-in
15:30 3 3 Drop Pod/Warp-in
15:45 - - Thrasher Only
16:35 3 3 Air Drop
1 Hybrid Nemesis
16:55 4 4 Air Drop
1 Hybrid Nemesis
18:00 5 5 ↘ or ↗ 3 Minor Hybrid
1 Hybrid Nemesis
1 Major Hybrid
18:15 3 5 ↖ or ↗ 3 Minor Hybrid
1 Hybrid Nemesis
1 Major Hybrid
19:15 4 4 Air Drop
20:00 4 5 Thrasher + Attack Wave
3 Minor Hybrid
1 Major Hybrid
20:20 3 3 Air Drop
1 Hybrid Nemesis
20:40 2 3 Air Drop
1 Hybrid Nemesis
22:30 4,6 5,5 ↘↖ Double Thrasher + Attack Wave
23:30 5 5 4 Minor Hybrid
2 Hybrid Nemesis
1 Major Hybrid
23:40 3 5 3 Minor Hybrid
2 Hybrid Nemesis
1 Major Hybrid
24:40 5,6,7 5,5,7 ↘↖↗ -

Some attack waves will also have Hybrids in them. The types of these Hybrids will depend on the enemy race as well as the pattern, as follows:

Pattern A Pattern B
Race Minor Hybrid Major Hybrid Race Minor Hybrid Major Hybrid
Protoss Hybrid Reaver Hybrid Behemoth Protoss Hybrid Nemesis Hybrid Dominator
Terran (50%) Hybrid Destroyer Hybrid Behemoth Terran (50%) Hybrid Nemesis Hybrid Behemoth
Terran (50%) Hybrid Reaver Hybrid Dominator Terran (50%) Hybrid Nemesis Hybrid Dominator
Zerg Hybrid Destroyer Hybrid Dominator Zerg Hybrid Nemesis Hybrid Behemoth

Spawn Points

There are two types of spawn points of interest in this mission:

Top Attack Wave Spawn Point:

Top Attack Wave Spawn Point

Middle Attack Wave Spawn Point:

Middle Attack Wave Spawn Point

Bottom Attack Wave Spawn Point:

Bottom Attack Wave Spawn Point

Drop Attack Wave Spawn Point:

Drop Attack Wave Spawn Point

The locations for Drop Attacks and Warp-ins are shown below:

Drop Pod/Warp-in Locations

Mission Tips

Commander-specific Tips